Best Therapy for Sleep Disorders

Heal Your

Sleep Problems, Insomnia, Nightmares


Talk Online With the Best Psychologist & Counsellor


Challenging negative thoughts that fuel sleep problems

Improving Sleep Quality With Self Hynosis

Tools to Release and Relax your Body & Mind


Heal Your Sleep Problems

Art of Mindfulness & Meditation

Relaxations Techniques to Sleep Deep

From Distractions to Healthy Habits

What defines a sleep disorder ?

A sleep disorder is a condition that frequently impacts your ability to get enough quality sleep, leaving you feeling exhausted or sleepy during the day. The most common sleep disorders include insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, restless legs syndrome (RLS), and circadian rhythm sleep disorders often triggered by shift work or jet lag.

When you’re desperate for sleep, it can be tempting to reach for a sleeping pill or an over-the-counter sleep aid. But sleep medication won’t cure the problem or address the underlying symptoms—in fact, it can often make sleep problems worse in the long term. That’s not to say there’s never a time or a place for sleep medication. To avoid dependence and tolerance, though, sleeping pills are most effective when used sparingly for short-term situations—such as traveling across time zones or recovering from a medical procedure. Even if your sleep disorder requires the use of prescription medication, experts recommend combining a drug regimen with therapy and healthy lifestyle changes.

For most people, stressful days and sleepless nights often go together simultaneously. Anyone who has googled on "how to fall asleep" may be aware of different healthy practices before sleeping. Though some might help, but most of them hardly work in helping you fall asleep or improving the quality of your sleep. However, most people have become experts in neutralizing sleepless nights as normal or situational, but let us tell you that your quality of sleep determines the quality of your life. To help you, online therapy can be serve amazing results that will not just help you improve your sleep patterns but also guide you to develop a healthier lifestyle.

Sleep is a state of rest that serves as the requirement of the human body. Having a good sleep at night is important for a healthy body. However, if you often face difficulties in sleeping or wake up in between sleeping hours that impacts your daily functioning, it is a sign that you might be facing sleep disorders.

 Symptoms of Sleep Disorders


Muscle tension


Fatigue & Dizziness

Low energy

Vision problems including blurry eyesight or trouble keeping the eyes open

Lack of freshness

Irritation & Restlessness

Hair loss

Weight gain

Lack of control


Difficulty in managing emotions

Feelings of irritation

Intrusive thoughts

State of anxiousness

Frequent changes in mood

Feelings of worthlessness

Find Difficult to focus /concentrate on the work


Feelings of loneliness

Feel difficulty in talking to people

Lack of motivation to attend social events

Loss of energy to travel 

Not able to connect with people

Often feel anxious in expressing yourself

Types of Sleep Disorders

There are several types of sleep disorders depending on the symptoms of the individual. Some common types of sleep disorders are -

  • InsomniaIt is an inability to fall asleep or get restful sleep. It can be triggered by stress and anxiety, health problems, side effects of medications, other sleep disorders.
  • Sleep bruxism - It is a sleep disorder in which you clench or grind your teeth. This can occur infrequently and results in headaches, flattened or chipped teeth, and jaw problems such as tightness, soreness, and difficulties chewing.
  • Sleep apnea- This kind of problem occurs when your breathing frequently stops temporarily during sleep, jerking you awake. This can actually be life-threatening. The most common type, called obstructive sleep apnea, is caused by tissue in your throat blocking your airway and results in breathlessness and restlessness in the body.
  • Narcolepsy- It is a sleep disorder characterized by “sleep attacks” in the mid of sleeping or period of wakefulness, often caused by a strong emotional reactions to something. This problem is caused by dysfunction that disturbs the brain’s normal control over waking and sleeping.
  • Night terrors- These are not simply nightmares or bad dreams. It is a state where the person often does a loud shout or scream, though the sleeper may sit up in bed and may appear awake and terrified.
  • REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder (RBD)- This is a type of sleep disorder where a person enacts their dreams while in REM sleep. RBD predominantly affects older adults, and the associated behaviours that are often violent in nature resulting in stress and anxiety.

All these sleep disorders reflect the symptoms faced by people. However, most people often experience these symptoms and tend to ignore it or feel hesitate in sharing it, but let us tell you that you problems are not meant to be ignored. They deserve your attention where you hold responsibility and are ready to improve on your problems. For that online therapy can yield excellent results. Recent research has highlighted how online therapy is helping people improve their sleep patterns. So instead of hesitating, feel the responsibility of working on it.

Online Therapy for Sleep Disorders

Following below are strange yet successful therapies to help improve the quality of your sleep. These are sleeping pill-free therapies that help you understand your sleeping patterns and working with an objective to improve it.

Sleep restriction therapy (SRT) reduces the time you spend lying in bed awake by eliminating naps and forcing you to stay up beyond your normal bedtime. This method of sleep deprivation can be especially effective for insomnia. It not only makes you more tired the next night but builds a stronger association between bed and sleep rather than bed and lying awake.

Stimulus control therapy helps to identify and change sleep habits that prevent you from sleeping well. This means training you to use your bedroom for just sleep and sex, rather than working or watching TV, and maintaining consistent sleep-wake times, even on weekends.

Improving your sleep environment and sleep hygiene. Your sleep environment should be dark, quiet, cool, and comfortable, so your therapist may recommend blackout shades, earplugs, or a sound machine to block out noise. Sleep hygiene involves improving your daytime habits to include exercising regularly, avoiding nicotine and caffeine late in the day, and learning to unwind at night.

Remaining passively awake, also known as “paradoxical intention”. Since worrying about not being able to sleep generates anxiety that keeps you awake, letting go of this worry and making no effort to sleep may, paradoxically, help you to unwind and fall asleep.

Relaxation training. When practiced regularly, relaxation techniques such as mindfulness meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, and breathing exercises can help you relax at night, relieving tension and anxiety and preparing you for sleep.

Hypnosis can also sometimes be used in CBT for sleep disorders. While you’re in a state of deep relaxation, the hypnotherapist uses different therapeutic techniques to help you change negative thought patterns or unhelpful habits and promote restful sleep.

Personal therapy-This therapy works with the idea of understanding the root cause of your problems, exploring the emotional needs and providing solutions to your difficulties. The therapy provides personalised assistance on helping you improve your sleep patterns.

Stimulus control-Most people often do stimulating things while going to bed like watching TV or movies. This technique helps you develop control over distractions and teach you to relax yourself before going to bed.

Alternative therapies-These therapies encompasses a variety of disciplines that include everything from diet and exercise to mental conditioning and lifestyle changes. Some examples include guided imagery, yoga, hypnosis, aromatherapy, relaxation, herbal remedies, and many more.

Cognitive behaviour therapy ( CBT )- This therapy challenges your thoughts and helps you become capable of facing your own challenges. For example - if you are unable to sleep with the thought of something negative will happen. So, the focus of this therapy will be to challenge your thoughts by providing insights about the situations.

Mindfulness Meditation -This technique helps you focus on your breath, understand and live in the moment. It helps you enhance your focus and develop a healthier lifestyle.

All these therapeutic techniques serve great help to individuals dealing with sleep disorders. If you or your loved ones face difficulties in sleeping or unable to take quality sleep, there is a great opportunity for you to connect with the best online counseling platform that understand your problems and help you attain positive growth. We provide the best individualized treatment according to your problems. This journey of positive growth and well-being will not just help you overcome your sleep problems but also develop a happy and healthier lifestyle.

Try to get the most out of your online counselling & therapy. Keep your appointments. Practice the exercises your therapist gives you. Treatment helps, and without it, you might get worse.Remember, you don’t have to deal with Sleep Disorders on your own. Help is out there.

Begin Your Journey With An Experienced Therapist and Heal Your Sleep Disorders